
Creating Impact from a Study

So, you have finalized a study on the ’Future of XX’. You have a report. You’ve turned it into a pdf. And you’re afraid that this report will end up on a shelf, or in an outlook folder, unread. Just like everyone should be these days.

You ask yourself how to get people from different organisations, associations and corporations aboard on you ideas? How can you get the output you know to be so valuable out there, in the hands and minds of the people who draft important proposals? How can you make the decision-makers take the right, future-enriched decisions?

Unfortunately, at this stage a lot depends on communication and dissemination. Luckily, this can be done in a number of engaging innovative ways. Like through a serious game.

This series of posts on Creating Impact from a Study will explore such options more in detail. It will also explore how the real key is to be found in the creation of truly participative processes –  from the beginning of the project design all through to the end – when actively engaging the important players with your outcome. This, however, will be something to keep in mind for your next project.

truly participative processes from the beginning of the project design all through to the end

Picture: Daniel Bengtsson

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