
To Open Possible Futures

We all have deterministic tendencies within ourselves. Some of us more so than others. The instinct or reaction to feel certainty about how something will develop is a part of being human, providing us with comfort and direction. Of course, no one can predict the future, and no one can for certain say how things will develop. But to at least have a sense of where we are going, most of us plan for the days, weeks, and maybe even months ahead.

Even so, awareness of the power that lies in structured thinking about the future is low. The use of trends and process design for logical reasoning about the future is what in academic and professional settings is called foresight, or futurism. This is valuable both at personal and professional level. Why? Because it can make us reflect on the plausible consequences of our actions. This has the potential of making us see possibilities and opportunities, where we otherwise might see problems and challenges.

Take a look at this interesting example from the past:

This is how the future looked 122 years ago

Picture courtesy of vintageprintable.com

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