
The Future as a Memory

What happens to us when we read, see an ad, or watch a sci-fi movie, taking place in the future? We may get an experience, find it interesting, get some enjoyment, possibly see some glimpses of inspiration. But there is also something deeper going on in our minds.

As we leave our current reality for a moment, we start to absorb this future we are letting ourselves be immersed in. We start to get a bit of an understanding of this alternative future. Together, all these impressions can create a mental image, or what can be called ’memory of the future’.

The effects of this are, that the next time we need to plan ahead, or take a long-term decision, we have developed an extended understanding of what may happen and what the long-term consequences may be. At a personal level, this may help us think a bit differently, even if it doesn’t alter the way we do things.

But at professional level, one should expected futures thinking (memories) to be a crucial part of informed decision-making. Such systematic use of the future is, however, today rarely the norm.

Intrigued about the notion of a ’memory of the future’? Check out this book:

Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight

Picture courtesy of vintageprintable.com

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