
What is a Serious Game?

A type of games referred to as ’serious games’ have been getting increasing attention and curiosity in the last years. But what is a ’serious game’?

We all have some idea of what a game is. Ever since childhood we’ve played some sort of game for entertainment with friends or family either in real life or on a computer or console, be it a board game or a card game, an adventure game or a game of knowledge.

A ’serious game’, then, can be any and either of these kind of games, with the difference that it is designed to, in addition to being entertaining, also have another purpose grounded in reality.

This could be for either a smaller or grander purpose, such as solving some type of real problem or building strategies, or stress-testing systems. Or why not use serious games to imagine possible futures that we would prefer going towards?

Want to know more? Check out the Serious Games Society.

Picture courtesy of vintageprintable.com

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